면 방 | 棉纺


Myeon-bang (“면 방”)  is a dramaturgical reproduction of a North Korean textile factory floor. Carefully crafting the factory settings, architectural features and propaganda artefacts, the installation reveals the contribution of the textile industry to economic development, cultural production, women empowerment, and city making.

As visitors interact with QR codes that accompany the key physical elements in this space, they gain secondary glimpses into the manifold contradictions that riddle North Korea’s past and present. The digital extension of Myeon-bang provides a fuller understanding of North Korea that defies easy stereotyping, as is commonplace in mainstream media.

棉纺("면 방") 复制了外国参观者在朝鲜纺织厂能够观察到的场景。 该装置通过精心复制的工厂设置、建筑特征和宣传品,展示了朝鲜纺织业对于经济发展、文化生产、妇女权力以及城市建设的影响。 参观者通过展品附设的二维码,能够一瞥朝鲜的过去和现在的各种社会矛盾。“棉纺” 尝试消除主流媒体对朝鲜设定的刻板印象,鼓励观众对这国家有更全面的理解。